荞麦面和酒 稻田屋 PALACE大厦店

臧的最高峰【SIZUKUDORI】 90ml 1,420 日元 / 720ml 瓶子 9,000 日元
蔵の最高峰「しずくどり」Instead of artificial squeezing, this choice sake is a simple collection of drips that have trickled down naturally. It has a delicate flavor, free from excessive, unwanted tastes, so we recommend it as an aperitif.
15年古酒【时之流】<冷> 60ml 800 日元
纯米大吟酿【稻田姬】」<冷> 90ml杯 980 日元 / 720ml瓶子 6,000 日元
純米大吟醸「稲田姫」<冷や>Enjoy the mellow aroma and rich flavor of rice.

超特撰大吟酿【稻田姬】<冷> 90ml杯 840 日元
超特撰大吟醸「稲田姫」<冷や>This sake has an aroma like that of a ripe apple.

特撰大吟酿【稻田姬】<冷> 90ml杯 640 日元
特撰大吟醸「稲田姫」<冷や>This sake has a gentle, banana-like aroma and a mild flavor.
It is easy to drink, so it can be recommended for beginners.

纯米吟酿【稻田姬】<冷> 90ml杯 480 日元
純米吟醸「稲田姫」<冷や>A popular sake with a refreshing aroma and a crispy taste.

纯米吟酿【强力】<冷> 90ml杯 520 日元 / 720ml瓶子 3,300 日元
純米吟醸「強力」<冷や>A sake made from “Goriki Rice,” a shuzo-kotekimai (a rice strain recognized as suitable for sake-making), which is Tottori’s pride. It is a popular sake which has the strong support of our great frequenters.

纯米酒【TOP水雷】<冷> 90ml杯 420 日元
純米酒「トップ水雷」<冷や>In 1907, Mr. Heihachiro Togo, who visited the Sanin district along with the Emperor Taisho, named this sake “Suirai.” In 1931, this sake was developed as the first sake intended to be drunk “chilled,” and was later renamed “Top Suirai.”

本酿造大辣口【伯耆之稻魂】<冷> 90ml杯 380 日元
本醸造大辛口「伯耆の稲魂」<冷や>“Houki” was the name of a province that used to be in the Sanin district of old. “Inadama” means lightening. It is the driest sake in our Brewery.

本酿造【稻田姬】<冷> 90ml杯 360 日元
本醸造「稲田姫」<冷や>This sake has an elegant taste and aroma. It is extremely well-balanced and fit for drinking either warmed or not. When chilled, you can enjoy its clear taste.
良烂纯米【INATAHIME】<烫> 220ml瓶子 850 日元
良燗純米「いなたひめ」<燗>A pure rice sake developed to be drunk “hot only.” Its feature is a rounded aroma and its moderate body is tempting, too.

本酿造大辣口【伯耆之稻魂】<烫> 220ml瓶子 780 日元
本醸造大辛口「伯耆の稲魂」(燗)纯米吟酿【INATAHIME】无过滤生原酒 90ml 560 日元
藏元【吟酿酒】 3种组合 60ml×3cups 900 日元
蔵元の『吟醸酒』3種セットA sampling set of Chotokusen-daiginjo, Tokusen-daiginjo and Junmai-ginjo.
“Ginjoshu” is highly aromatic and in many cases you can enjoy it just like wine.
藏元【纯米酒】 3种组合 60ml×3cups 900 日元
蔵元の『純米酒』3種セットA sampling set of Junmai-daiginjo, Junmai-ginjo and Junmaishu. “Junmaishu” is a sake made from rice, rice malt and water, and nothing else. In many cases it is full-bodied and flavorful.

大米烧酒【NOKINIKURASINASAI放轻松】 杯 680 日元 / 720ml瓶子 3,400 日元
米焼酎【のん気にくらしなさい】This popular shochu features a specially-drawn label by the famous artist, Mr. Shigeru Mizuki, author of "Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro" (Kitaro of the Graveyard). This rice shochu is a premium liquor that has been aged for a long time. We recommend it to impatient people. (Each Ge Ge Ge Shochu has a label with Mr. Mizuki’s drawing on it.)

甘薯烧酒【NAMAKEMONONINARINASAI请变懒】 杯 680 日元 / 720ml瓶子 3,400 日元
芋焼酎【なまけ者になりなさい】A sweet potato shochu made with two kinds of sweet potatoes. We recommend it to hard workers.

大麦烧酒【AWATEZUNIYUKKURIYARE不急慢慢来】 杯 680 日元 / 720ml瓶子 3,400 日元
麦焼酎【あわてずにゆっくりやれ】This shochu has a savory smell unique to barley. We recommend it to people who are always in a hurry.

荞麦烧酒【GANBARUNAKARE!不要加油】 杯 680 日元 / 720ml瓶子 3,400 日元
蕎麦焼酎【がんばるなかれ】This shochu has a fresh aroma and a light taste.
We recommend it to people who are inclined to push themselves too hard.
烧酒用附料 追加
冰块 150 日元
氷热水 壶 200 日元
お湯ポット荞麦面汤 壶 250 日元
蕎麦湯ポット乌龙茶 壶 380 日元
烏龍茶ポット矿泉水 300 日元
ミネラルウォーター梅子(1个) 100 日元
梅(1個)柠檬(1片) 20 日元

纯米梅酒【百花之魁】 650 日元
純米梅酒「百花の魁」This umeshu was named “Hyakka no Sakigake” because ume blossoms come out ahead of “hyakka” (all sorts of flowers). Because it is made with pure rice sake, you can enjoy an elegant taste along with your meal. (Many kinds of umeshu are made with shochu.)

使用二十世纪梨的【梨之酒】 650 日元
二十世紀梨使用「梨のお酒」A liqueur made from Nijisseiki (20th Century) Pears, Tottori’s specialty. We recommend drinking it with soda.