Oden Kashimin
Kamoshibitokuheiji PONT NEUF 980 JPY
醸し人九平次 PONT NEUF(ポンヌフ)This sake from Aichi is suitable for a meal. Enjoy the fresh taste.
Uragasanryu Koka 800 JPY
裏雅山流 香華 低温仕込み無濾酒A smooth and fruity sake from Yamagata.
Hoobiden Tsurugi 850 JPY
鳳凰美田 剣A fruity, yet dry, sake from Tochigi.
Kokuryu Ginjyo Icchorai 900 JPY
黒龍 吟醸いっちょらいThis clear and tasty sake from Fukui’s name, Icchorai, means “the best.”
Azakura 850 JPY
阿櫻 超旨辛口 無濾過原酒This sake from Akita has a sharp and sweet flavor like honey, as well as, a strong taste of rice.
Mikotsuru Kinmonnishiki 950 JPY
御湖鶴 金紋錦This clear and sour sake from Nagano is well-suited for our meals. Enjoy the changes in the taste.
Naraman 850 JPY
奈良萬This sake from Fukushima has a clear and soft taste, with a melon-like flavor. Enjoy it both cold and hot.
Ki Omachi 900 JPY
貴 雄町 蔵付天然酵母This sake from Yamaguchi is particular about natural yeast fungus, so it has a sour and mellow flavor.
Aramasa 900 JPY
新政 No6 R typeThis sake from Akita is fresh and juicy. Enjoy its sweet and sour taste of rice.
Gikyo Enishi 950 JPY
義侠 えにしThis sake from Aichi has been aged for more than 2 years, so it has a mellow and clear taste.
Other Drinks
Draft beer Small 480 JPY / Medium 620 JPY
生ビールKirin ichiban shibori
Kirin free 550 JPY
キリンフリーNon-alcoholic beer
White wine Frome 3,000 JPY
白ワインItalian, French, Chilean, Australian or Japanese.
Wine by the glass is also available.
Red wine From 3,000 JPY
赤ワインItalian, French, Chilean, Australian or Japanese.
Wine by the glass is also available.
Shochu From 700 JPY
焼酎There are many kinds, made from sweet potato, rice, barley, etc.
Whiskey From 800 JPY
ウイスキーJohnnie Walker Black Label
I. W. Harper
Fruit wine From 750 JPY
果実酒Choose from many kinds, selected from all over Japan.
Sour Drinks From 500 JPY
サワー各種Chuhai, highball, coke highball, ginger highball, fresh lemon sour, honey sour, green tea hai, etc.
Soft Drinks 450 JPY
ソフトドリンク各種Oolong tea, green tea, Coke, orange juice, grapefruit juice, etc.