和牛焼肉 慶-KEI- 新宿

Wagyu Yakiniku KEI Shinjuku


The interior has a reposeful atmosphere for adults.

The interior has a reposeful atmosphere for adults.

The interior has a reposeful, dining room-style atmosphere. There’s a wonderful space all the way back, which is divided by wooden partitions. You can enjoy a relaxing time.

Our Deluxe Beef Tongue is extremely popular.

Salt-grilled Deluxe Beef Tongue comes with KEI’s special salted leeks.
We’d like you to try the tender Root of the Tongue from pure Kuroge-wagyu (Japanese Black Cattle).

We’re particular about our meat.

We’re particular about our meat.

We pay scrupulous attention to the quality of our meat and have certificates with individual identification numbers to track radioactivity and BSE tests.
We process and control the quality of our Wagyu right in our kitchen.