Whole-grilled chicken thigh with bone Suginoko
Recommended Dishes

Whole-grilled Kirishima-dori Thigh on the Bone 1,680 JPY
霧島鶏骨付き鶏もも一本焼きThis most juicy and flavorful chicken thigh on-the-bone is grilled carefully with plenty of special spices.

Fresh Fish Sashimi 3 kinds of fish: 1,280 JPY / 5 kinds of fish: 1,680 JPY
鮮魚のお刺身Only fresh fish, brought daily from the market, is used for sashimi. We value high quality and freshness.

Ramen with Chicken in Jidori Soup 850 JPY
地鶏スープの鶏そばThe soup is made with “Buri-dori,” Miyazaki’s jidori, and has a thick and mild taste, so you can never get tired of this flavor. It goes well with ramen noodles.
Nigiwai Course 3,500 JPY
にぎわいコース(表示価格は1人前の価格で、2人前からご注文いただけます)・Small side dish
・Assorted sashimi (3 kinds)
・Japanese-style crunchy burdock salad
・Deep-fried chicken wings
・Whole-grilled Kirishima-dori thigh on-the-bone (our specialty)
・A hot pot dish. Choose one from the following: jjigae pot with fresh seafood, offal pot, Ishikari-nabe (salmon pot with vegetables), or pork shabu-shabu.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.
Suginoko's Top-choice Course 4,500 JPY
すぎのこ厳選コース(表示価格は一人前で二人前からご注文できます)・Small side dish
・Assorted sashimi (3 kinds)
・Japanese-style crunchy burdock salad
・Deep-fried anglerfish
・Whole-grilled Kirishima-dori thigh on-the-bone (our specialty)
・A hot pot dish. Choose one from the following: jjigae pot with fresh seafood, the offal pot, the Ishikari-nabe (salmon pot with vegetables), and the pork shabu-shabu.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.
Lunch Menu
Chicken and Jidori Egg-topped Rice Bowl 950 JPY
地鶏卵の親子丼We use Miyazaki jidori egg and Akishima-dori chicken. This rice, topped with chicken and a soft-boiled egg, goes exceptionally well with the jidori broth.

Chicken Ramen in Jidori Soup 850 JPY
地鶏スープの鶏そばSavor the soup made by carefully simmering Miyazaki jidori. This ramen dish is our pride.
Combo of Mabo-nasu (fried eggplant with Chinese chili sauce) and Chicken Ramen 1,000 JPY
ピリ辛麻婆茄子と鶏そばのハーフ&ハーフRice topped with the ever-popular, hot and tasty mabo-nasu, plus a bowl of ramen with chicken.
Combo of Pulpy Beef Tendon over Rice and Chicken Ramen 1,000 JPY
トロットロ牛すじ丼と鶏そばのハーフ&ハーフThe flavor of beef tendon, simmered for eight hours, is superb! This is a combo dish of a bowl of rice topped with beef tendon, and ramen with chicken.
Combo of Chicken and Egg-topped Rice and Chicken Ramen 1,000 JPY
親子丼と鶏そばのハーフ&ハーフYou can enjoy two of Suginoko’s popular dishes at the same time.

Whole-grilled Kirishima-dori Thigh on the Bone 1,680 JPY
霧島鶏骨付き鶏もも一本焼きThis most juicy and flavorful chicken thigh on-the-bone is grilled carefully with plenty of special spices.
Kirishima-dori Skin with Ponzu 480 JPY
霧島鶏の鶏皮ポン酢The doughy texture and tastiness of each piece of skin prepared with time and labor is really superb!
Suginoko Salad 730 JPY
すぎのこサラダOur homemade dressing is made by adding olive oil, salt and lemon to the juices left-over after frying Kirishima-dori, and it goes very well with the vegetables.
Stone-roasted Rice in Jidori Soup 880 JPY
地鶏スープの石焼鶏汁飯A dish of rice, Kirishima-dori and vegetables in a heated stone vessel. Try pouring thick jidori soup over them before eating.

Deep-fried Kirishima-dori Wings 280 JPY/piece
霧島鶏の手羽先唐揚げOur Kirishima-dori wings are deep-fried and coated with a slightly sweet, homemade sauce. You can enjoy the texture and flavors of the meat, and the good balance of sweetness and saltiness.

Deep-fried Kirishima-dori Thighs 780 JPY
霧島鶏のもも肉唐揚げOur deep-fried chicken thighs have a tender texture and plenty of meat juice. Enjoy the authentic flavor of chicken.

Deep-fried Kirishima-dori Gristle 630 JPY
霧島鶏のなんこつ唐揚げPlenty of red pepper is added to the meat before frying. You may get addicted to the flavor.
Fresh Fish Dishes

Fresh Fish Sashimi 3 kinds of fish: 1,280yen / 5 kinds of fish: 1,680yen
鮮魚のお刺身Only fresh fish brought daily from the market is used for sashimi.

Taimeshi 1,780 JPY
鯛めしThe natural flavor of sea bream and moderate saltiness of rice make this dish an exquisite combination. Enjoy a flavor that will soften your heart.
Hot Pot Dishes

Offal and Collagen Hot Pot 1,680 JPY
コラーゲンたっぷりもつ鍋A hot pot dish of fresh domestic offal and miso soup with lots of garlic. These ingredients mix well with vegetables and have flavors that spread in your mouth.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.

Jjigae Seafood Hot Pot 1,830 JPY
魚介たっぷり海鮮チゲA hot pot dish with plenty of fresh seafood. The pungent taste is an exquisite match with the flavors of the fresh seafood.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.

Miyazaki Marumiton Pork Shabu-shabu 1,680 JPY
宮崎県産まるみ豚の豚しゃぶYou can enjoy this Suginoko-style shabu-shabu dish by first dipping the very tender Marumiton pork (dripping with high-quality fat) into the special soup in the pot, and then, along with the vegetables, into the vinegar sauce.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.

Suginoko-style Ishikari-nabe 1,830 JPY
すぎのこ流 石狩鍋A superb hot pot dish, with the combined flavors of miso soup and fatty salmon.
※The listed prices are for one person each. Orders are accepted for two persons or more.

Chicken and Hirako-jidori Egg -topped Rice Bowl 850 JPY
飛来幸地鶏卵の親子丼The flavors of Kirishima-dori meat and Hirako-jidori eggs are brought out to a maximum degree.
Hirako-jidori Omelet 680 JPY
飛来幸地鶏卵の出汁巻Miyazaki jidori egg is fried in a way that makes it soft and fluffy.

Domestic Beef Tendon with Ponzu Sauce 650 JPY
Potato Salad 580 JPY
Chilled Tomato 430 JPY
Cucumber with Sesame 530 JPY
胡麻キュウリCabbage with Flavorful Sauce 380 JPY
旨ダレキャベツChanja (salted Pacific Cod entrails in spicy sauce) 530 JPY
チャンジャRay Fin 580 JPY
エイヒレDeep-fried Sweet Potatoes 580 JPY
さつま芋フライRice and Noodle Dishes

Chicken Ramen in Jidori Soup 850 JPY
地鶏のスープ鶏そばRamen in “Buri-dori” soup. You may get addicted to the thick, but mild taste!

Chicken and Hirako-jidori Egg Rice Bowl 850 JPY
飛来幸地鶏卵の親子丼The flavors of both Kirishima-dori meat and Hirako-jidori egg are brought out to a maximum degree.
Shio-onigiri (salted rice balls) 280 JPY/piece
塩おにぎりSimple is best.
Stone-roasted Rice in Jidori Soup 880 JPY
地鶏スープの石焼鶏汁飯A dish of rice, Kirishima-dori chicken, and vegetables heated in a stone vessel. Try pouring plenty of thick, jidori soup over everything before eating.