Kushiage Hantei
Recommended Dish

Ichi-no-zen (The First Combo) 3,132 JPY
一の膳This main dish is representative of Hantei’s menu. It is a combo of kushiage, tidbits and vegetable sticks, which enables you to try various foodstuffs of the season. We strongly recommend starting with this combo. After Ichi-no-zen, you can enjoy an additional combo or just finish with dessert. This is Hantei’s original style, derived from our wish that you can enjoy the most delicious foodstuffs of the season, without worrying about what to eat.
Set Menu

Ichi-no-zen (Combo #1) 3,132 JPY
一の膳This is the best combo to start with. It is made up of six kushiages, two kinds of tidbits, chopped cabbage and vegetable sticks (cucumbers, carrots, Japanese white radishes, etc.). You can get free refills on these vegetables. Please leave the selection of the kushiage to the staff. You can choose the seasoning, though: teriyaki sauce, salt or miso.

Ni-no-zen (Combo #2) to Roku-no-zen (Combo #6) <Combos contain six kushiages each.> 1,512 JPY
<次のコース>二の膳〜六の膳 串揚げ6本These are the combos that follow Ichi-no-zen. Please, leave the selection of the kushiage to the staff. If you consume them up to Roku-no-zen, the final combo, you will have enjoyed more than thirty kinds of kushiages!

Half combos 756 JPY
<半分のコース>二の膳〜 串揚げ3本
A half combo that follows Ichi-no-zen. Please leave the selection of the kushiage to the staff. You can order this when you cannot eat another whole set of six kushiages, but still want to eat a little more.
Examples of Kushiage Menu

Shrimp Rolled with Shiso (Japanese basil) Price not listed
えびのしそまきAll of Hantei’s courses begin with this kushiage. It is always included in Ichi-no-zen. This is an ever-popular kushiage that enables you to enjoy the elastic texture of fresh shrimp and wafting fragrance of shiso. Shiso, a kind of herb, is an indispensable condiment in Japan.
Yanaka Shoga (ginger) Rolled with Meat Price not listed
谷中生姜の肉まきYanaka shoga is ginger rolled with pork loin and a representative dish at Hantei. Yanaka shoga is a kind of ginger with leaves and a traditional vegetable that originated in the Yanaka area, not far from Hantei.
Meat Stuffed Renkon (lotus root) Price not listed
蓮の肉詰めA spicy kushiage made by stuffing renkon with curry-flavored minced beef. Renkon is a root vegetable whose crunchy texture gives extra enjoyment.
Beef with Cheese Price not listed
牛肉チーズThis kushiage of beef with cheese in between never fails to satisfy. It is popular among men and women of all ages.
Asparagus Price not listed
アスパラガスThe most popular kushiage. Enjoy a whole asparagus which is plump and thick.
Meat Stuffed Eggplant Price not listed
茄子の肉詰めA juicy kushiage of eggplant stuffed with minced chicken. Be careful, because it’s burning hot!
Shiitake Mushrooms with Minced Shrimp Price not listed
椎茸のエビミンチPopular even among people who don’t like shiitake very much. Dip this kushiage in our tartar sauce, which goes exceptionally well with shrimp.
Cherry tomatoes Price not listed
プチトマトIt is said that the real thrill at restaurants specializing in kushiage is enjoying this tomato one. It is fried with mozzarella cheese in between cherry tomatoes cut in half.
Pork fillet Price not listed
豚のヒレ肉This is a major kushiage of pork fillet and green onion skewered alternately.
Squid Price not listed
烏賊This is not just fried squid. Enjoy this kushiage along with original sauces for each season, such as one with sea urchin paste in it.
Namafu Price not listed
生麩Namafu is an ingredient used for vegetarian cuisine. It is made by mixing gluten from flour with glutinous rice flour, and it has an exquisite, chewy texture. It is then mixed with a special miso, unique to the season, made by combining miso with yuzu (Japanese citron), yomogi (Japanese mugwort), nuts or other seasonal ingredients.
Sand Borer Rolled in Mitsuba Price not listed
三つ葉のキス巻きThis is a kushiage with the typical appearance of Japanese cuisine. We roll sand borer with mitsuba (Japanese chervil). Sand borer is a fish with white flesh which is often used for tempura and other kinds of fried food. Mitsuba is a kind of fragrant grass, indispensable in Japanese cuisine, which has a pleasant texture and aroma.
Crab Claws Price not listed
カニ爪Crab claws, fried whole! This is a luxurious menu item tightly jammed with crab meat.

Kushiage of the Season Price not listed
季節の串揚げBesides the kushiage mentioned above, we have various other fresh flavors of each season. For each kushiage we use foodstuffs that are most delicious at the time of use, creating our own arrangements. You can enjoy them only at Hantei.
A la carte dishes except the course
Ochazuke (with plenty of iwanori seaweed, plus kelp and pickles) 648 JPY
岩海苔・昆布がたくさんのお茶漬け、お漬けものOchazuke is a bowl of rice with green tea poured over it, and a good dish to have at the end of the meal, when you are finished drinking. It clears your mouth of the kushiage oil and gives you a refreshed feeling. Iwanori seaweed and kelp are flavorful, too, helping to make ochazuke the perfect finale.
Rice, akadashi (red miso) soup and pickles 648 JPY
ごはん、赤だしのみそ汁、お漬けものPeople from overseas might like to taste white rice in Japan. If you order this combination of side dishes along with kushiage, you can enjoy them as a set meal. Akadashi is a type of miso soup with soybean miso which originated in the Tokai district. Please try it with pickles.
Kid’s combo 2,376 JPY
お子様セットA combo especially for children, made up of six kushiage popular among kids, plus rice, egg soup and ice cream.
Lunch menu
Hiruzen 3,240 JPY
昼膳This is Hentei’s only lunch menu. The combo consists of eight kinds of top-choice kushiage, two side dishes, vegetables (chopped cabbage and sticks of cucumber, carrot and Japanese white radish), rice, red miso soup (or ochazuke with iwanori seaweed) and dessert.