Izakaya Isomaru Suisan
- Isomaru Suisan Banquet Course
- Staple Grain Dishes
- Bowl Dishes (You can make these dishes to go.)
- Sushi (You can make sushi to go.)
- Isomaru-yaki (All listed prices are without tax.)
- Grilled Meat (※You are requested to grill meat yourselves.)
- Skewered Vegetables
- Sashimi
- Tuna
- Tuna Dishes
- 【New Standard Menus】 Shellfish Dishes
- Tidbits
- Salad
- À-la-carte Menus
Isomaru Suisan Banquet Course

Banquet Course 3,500 JPY
ご宴会コースWe have Course Dishes you can enjoy in various scenes such as drinking parties, girls-only gatherings and business-related banquets.
Please enjoy to your heart’s content delicacies from seas unique to Isomaru!
◆Assortment of Isomaru’s Grilled Dishes
(Grilled hard crams, scallop, squid, crab butter in its shell, skewered cherry tomatoes and corn)
◆Green soybeans
◆Assorted sashimi
◆Chijimi with fresh young sardines
◆Yellowtail shabu-shabu
◆3-color assorted raw fish on sushi
※Ingredients are subject to change depending on the buying situation.
Staple Grain Dishes

Ramen with Toriyoshi Chicken 599 JPY
鳥良の鶏らー麺You can lose yourself in bliss until you taste the last sip of the elaborately made soup!
【Recommended】 Miso Soup with Blue King Crab 399 JPY
【おすすめ】花咲ガニの鉄砲汁Miso soup with the distinct flavor of crab.

Grilled Rice Balls (With Soy Sauce / 【New Menu】 With leek miso) 399 JPY each
焼きおにぎり(醤油/【新作】ネギ味噌)Please eat the rice balls after grilling them on the cooking stove on the table

Rice Set (Served with soup and pickles) 299 JPY
Rice Soaked in Green Tea Broth with Salmon and Laver) 499 JPY
サーモン海苔茶漬け【New Menu】 Ramen with Freshwater Crams 599 JPY
Chinese Fried Rice with Crab 599 JPY
蟹チャーハンBowl Dishes (You can make these dishes to go.)

【Isomaru’s Specialty】 2-color Tuna Bowl 695 JPY
【Isomaru’s Specialty】 Overbrimming Fresh Seafood Bowl 1,185 JPY
Seasoned Tuna Bowl 695 JPY
Minced Fatty Tuna and Green Onion Bowl 695 JPY
Tuna Yukhoe Bowl 795 JPY
Bowl of Assorted Raw Fish on Sushi 895 JPY
【New Menu】 Salmon and Avocado Bowl 795 JPY
4-color Tuna and Salmon Bowl 895 JPY
まぐろとサーモンの4色丼Sushi (You can make sushi to go.)

Pressed Mackerel Sushi Stick 999 JPY
Tuna Roll 699 JPY
【Recommended】 Kobore-zushi (Sushi with Overbrimming Ingredients) 1,229 JPY
【New Menu】 Isomaru’s Thick Fresh Seafood Roll 1,199 JPY
【新作】磯丸 海鮮太巻きIsomaru’s Sushi of Your Choice
磯丸お好み寿司You can order 1 piece or more. We have a rich assortment of ingredients. Sushi dished up on a large plate is also available.
【Nigiri (Hand-shaped Sushi)】 Tuna 130 JPY
【握り】まぐろ【Nigiri (Hand-shaped Sushi)】 Albacore Tuna 130 JPY
【握り】ビンチョウまぐろ【Nigiri】 Salmon 139 JPY
【握り】サーモン【Nigiri】 Salmon with Mayonnaise 139 JPY
【握り】サーモンマヨ【Nigiri】 Shrimp 139 JPY
【握り】海老【Nigiri】 Yellowtail 139 JPY
【握り】鰤(ブリ)【Nigiri】 Fluke Fin 130 JPY
【握り】えんがわ【Nigiri】 Conger Boiled Whole 299 JPY
【握り】煮穴子 一本握り【Nigiri】 Whelk 130 JPY
【握り】つぶ貝【Nigiri】 Omelet 99 JPY
【握り】玉子【Gunkan】 Snow Crab 199 JPY
【軍艦】ずわい“Gunkan(-maki)” is a type of sushi made by wrapping dried laver around a piece of hand-shaped sushi and placing delicate fillings (salmon roe, sea urchin, etc.) on top.
【Gunkan】 Minced Fatty Tuna with Green Onion 150 JPY
【軍艦】ネギトロ【Gunkan】 Raw Sea Urchin 238 JPY
【軍艦】生うに【Gunkan】 Salmon Roe Pickled in Soy Sauce 238 JPY
【軍艦】いくら醤油漬けIsomaru-yaki (All listed prices are without tax.)

Hard Crams Grilled in their Shells One: 359 JPY / Two: 599 JPY
白蛤(ホンビノスガイ)の殻焼Large and thick flesh! You can fully enjoy the springy texture.

Scallops Grilled in their Shells One: 399 JPY / Two: 699 JPY
帆立の殻焼Simply because they’re fresh, you can fully enjoy their sweet taste. Just drop only a little soy sauce before eating.

Turban Shellfish Grilled in its Shell 699 JPY
サザエの壷焼You can savor the exquisite crunchiness and the smell of the ocean on the spot. The innards are sweet and very tasty, too!
Please be careful because it may rupture once in a while.
Sakhalin Surf Clam Grilled in its Shell 399 JPY
ホッキ貝の殻焼You may get addicted to the thick flesh with an elastic texture.

【Isomaru’s Specialty】 Crab Butter Grilled in its Shell 499 JPY
【磯丸名物】蟹味噌甲羅焼A popular menu whose thick flavor may make you addicted to it.

【New Menu】 Grilled Skewered Whiskered Velvet Shrimps (5 Shrimps) 699 JPY
【新作】赤海老の串焼き(5尾)Eating them in a simple way is the best.

Grilled Atka Mackerel 499 JPY
縞ホッケ(シマホッケ)When you put your chopsticks into the freshly grilled Atka mackerel, the moist thick flesh will come into view along with steam.
※It will be served after being grilled.

Roasted Squid 399 JPY
イカの浜焼きCut the squid up with scissors and eat it before it gets burned.

Grilled Trout Salmon Belly 499 JPY
トラウトサーモンのはらす焼※It will be served after being grilled.

Grilled Skewered Whelks 299 JPY
ツブ貝の串焼Ray Fin 588 JPY
えいひれThick Deep-fried Tofu 299 JPY
厚揚げGrilled Canned Oiled Sardine 499 JPY
オイルサーディンの缶詰焼きA simple dish that may make you addicted to it.

Grilled Squid with Guts Wrapped in Foil 499 JPY
イカのワタ入りホイル包み焼きThe flavors of squid flesh and guts have been contained together
Grilled Meat (※You are requested to grill meat yourselves.)

【New Menu】 Chicken Balls with Raw Egg 299 JPY
【新作】つくね月見Chicken balls containing gristle.
The sauce is a perfect match with the egg yolk.

Thick Sliced Bacon 299 JPY
Extra Thick Sausage 588 JPY
極太ソーセージSkewered Vegetables

Assorted Skewered Vegetables 599 JPY
野菜の串焼盛合せAn assortment of skewered shiitake mushrooms and sweet green peppers, skewered cherry tomatoes, skewered asparagus and corn.
Skewered Shiitake Mushrooms and Sweet Green Peppers 199 JPY
しいたけ・しし唐串Skewered Green Onion and Sweet Green Peppers 199 JPY
ねぎ・しし唐串Skewered Cherry Tomatoes 199 JPY
プチトマト串Skewered Asparagus 199 JPY
アスパラ串Corn 299 JPY

Salmon Sashimi 499 JPY
Whelk Sashimi 599 JPY
Turban Shellfish Sashimi 699 JPY
Scallop Sashimi 699 JPY
Horse Mackerel Sashimi 599 JPY
Seared Pickled Mackerel Sashimi 699 JPY
〆鯖(シメサバ)の炙りSearing will condense the flavor.

Whiskered Velvet Shrimp Sashimi Served in a Wooden Bowl 699 JPY
赤海老の桶盛り5 large shrimps served in a wooden bowl.
Kisslip Cuttlefish Yukhoe 499 JPY

2 Varieties of Tuna 699 JPY
まぐろの2種盛りAn assortment of bigeye tuna and albacore tuna sashimi.

Tuna Topped with Grated Yam 499 JPY
Chunks of Albacore Tuna 699 JPY
Chunks of Bigeye Tuna 699 JPY
ぶつ(バチ)Tuna Dishes

【Isomaru Suisan’s Specialty】 Grilled Tuna Jaw Meat 699 JPY
【名物】鮪かま焼きA dish of part of tuna’s flesh near the gills grilled until it begins to brown.
Juicy and voluminous.

Tuna Tail Garlic Steak 599 JPY
鮪テール ガーリックステーキTuna tail is grilled with garlic.

Jumbo Minced Tuna Cutlet 399 JPY
鮪ジャンボメンチカツMinced tuna cutlet filled with plenty of tuna flavor.

Tuna Cheek (Seared or Stir-fried) 499 JPY
【希少部位】鮪ほほ肉(炙り/炒め)Seared: Please enjoy the texture of the tuna flesh. You can hardly believe it’s tuna.
Stir-fried: Please enjoy the distinct meat quality with thick sauce.
【New Standard Menus】 Shellfish Dishes

Salt-boiled Whelks 499 JPY
磯つぶ貝の塩ゆでA dish of raw whelks boiled with salt has a strong flavor of the sea. Enjoy them with salt and sesame.

Hard Crams Steamed in Sake 899 JPY
白蛤(ホンビノスガイ)の酒蒸しIsomaru’s new standard menu. Extremely flavorful fresh clams with plenty of broth flavored with clams themselves! Please do enjoy them to your heart’s content!
Green Soybeans 299 JPY
枝豆Salted Squid Guts 299 JPY
塩辛Chilled Tofu Cut into Blocks 199 JPY
Deep-fried Potato 399 JPY
Deep-fried Eggplant 499 JPY
Deep-fried Tofu with Soup Stock 399 JPY
【New Menu】 Seared Shrimps Dressed with Sesame 399 JPY

【New Menu】 Assorted Fresh Seafood Salad 699 JPY
【新作】海鮮ちらしサラダColorful Salad of specially selected ingredients made the best use of.

Boiled Young Sardines and Green Onion Salad 699 JPY
釜揚げしらすとお葱のサラダLightly Pickled Cucumber 299 JPY
きゅうりの浅漬けChilled Tomato 299 JPY
冷やしトマトPickled Chinese Cabbage 299 JPY
Fondly Remembered Potato Salad 299 JPY
Macaroni Salad with Black Pepper 299 JPY
ブラックペッパー黒マカロニサラダÀ-la-carte Menus

Omelet with Young Sardines and Laver 599 JPY
しらすと海苔の玉子焼きThe omelet with the smell of the ocean will whet your appetite. You can enjoy the distinct flavor of the broth.

Korean-style Chilled Tofu Cut into Blocks 299 JPY
Deep-fried Tube-shaped Fish Paste with Green Laver 399 JPY
Deep-fried Anchovy 399 JPY
背黒イワシの唐揚げAnchovy deep-fried crispy and seasoned with salt is a perfect tidbit for cold beer!

【New Menu】 Chijimi with Fresh Young Sardines 699 JPY
【新作】海鮮しらすチヂミStandard chijimi (Korean pancake) with plenty of seafood has a crispy texture.

Salt-fried Squid and Japanese Vermicelli 499 JPY
鳥賊(イカ)と春雨の塩炒めPlease enjoy the textures of sweet and tender squid and Japanese vermicelli.

【New Menu】 Shrimps with Chili and Thick Sauce 699 JPY
【新作】辛味海老コクソースChili and thick sauce made by simmering shrimp heads and vegetables. You’ll really get addicted to the fine flavor of this sauce!

Springy Shrimps with Mayonnaise 499 JPY
海老ぷりマヨネーズThe springy texture of shrimps is a perfect match with our special mayonnaise.

Deep-fried Squid Rings 699 JPY
Deep-fried Camembert Cheese with Green Laver 499 JPY
カマンベールチーズの磯部揚げ【New Menu】 Deep-fried Konago (Young Lancefish) 399 JPY
【新作】小女子の唐揚げ“Konago” is also called “Ikanago.” Konago caught in Ise Bay are fatty and tasty!
Cod Roe and Potato Sautéed in Butter 499 JPY
たらこのじゃがバターThe flavor and saltiness of cod roe are a nice match with potato and make the dish flavorful!
【New Menu】 Tomato and Avocado Grilled with Cheese 499 JPY
【New Menu】 Boiled Gyoza Dumplings Topped with Chili Sesame Oil with Ingredients 599 JPY
【新作】水餃子の食べるラー油掛け【New Menu】 Deep-fried Wonton Served with Sweetened Vinegar 499 JPY
【新作】揚げわんたん甘酢添えA perfect match with sake.

Steamed Chicken with Green Onion Sauce 399 JPY
Ham Cutlet of Phantom 399 JPY
Deep-fried Chicken Thigh 399 JPY