Basashiya Masashi
- Draft Beer
- Highball (whiskey and soda)
- Mixed Drinks
- Umeshu Plum Wine
- Sour Mix & Highball Cocktails (with fruit produced in Kyushu)
- Soft Drinks
- Authentic Shochu (Japanese distilled spirits)
- Shochu by the Bottle
- Warm Shochu on the Rocks
- Bishonen (Japanese Sake Produced in Kumamoto)
- Other Shochu
- Japanese Sake Gokujo Yosinogawa
- Wine
Draft Beer
An additional 8% consumption tax is charged.
※別途消費税がかかります。The Premium Malt's 600 JPY
ザ・プレミアムモルツHighball (whiskey and soda)
Kaku Highball 450 JPY
角ハイボールBlack Highball (whiskey and cola) 550 JPY
ブラックハイボール(コーラ)Ginger Highball 550 JPY
ジンジャーハイボールPremium Highball (Whiskey Yamazaki and soda) 780 JPY
プレミアムハイボール(山崎)Mixed Drinks
Fresh Lemon Sour Mix 530 JPY
生レモンサワーGrapefruit Sour Mix 530 JPY
グレープフルーツサワーDry Shandygaff 550 JPY
ドライシャンディ―ガフRed Eye 550 JPY
レッドアイBlackcurrant (cassis) Liquor 550 JPY
カシスServed with soda, grapefruit juice or orange juice.
Oolong Hai [oolong tea and shochu Japanese distilled spirit] 450 JPY
ウーロンハイGreen Tea Hai [green tea and shochu Japanese distilled spirit] 450 JPY
緑茶ハイUmeshu Plum Wine
Uguisuya Baba-a Kokuto (brown sugar) Umeshu 550 JPY
鶯屋(うぐいすや) ばばあ黒糖梅酒Umenoyado Aragoshi (coarsely filtered) Umeshu 550 JPY
梅乃宿(うめのやど) あらごし梅酒Kakutama Umeshu 550 JPY
角玉梅酒Sour Mix & Highball Cocktails (with fruit produced in Kyushu)
[Kagoshima Prefecture] Tankan Orange Sour Mix / Tankan Orange Highball 550 JPY
【鹿児島県】たんかんサワー/たんかんハイボール[Kumamoto Prefecture] Dekopon Citrus Sour Mix / Dekopon Citrus Highball 550 JPY
【熊本県】デコポンサワー/デコポンハイボール[Fukuoka Prefecture] Amao Strawberry Sour Mix / Amao Strawberry Highball 550 JPY
【福岡県】あまおうサワー/あまおうハイボール[Oita Prefecture] Kabosu Citrus Sour Mix / Kabosu Citrus Highball 550 JPY
【大分県】かぼすサワー/かぼすハイボール[Miyazaki Prefecture] Mango Sour Mix / Mango Highball 550 JPY
【宮崎県】マンゴーサワー/マンゴーハイボールSoft Drinks
100% Dekopon Citrus Juice 680 JPY
デコポン100%ジュースCola 350 JPY
コーラGinger Ale 350 JPY
ジンジャーエールMango Juice 350 JPY
マンゴージュースOrange Juice 350 JPY
オレンジジュースGrapefruit Juice 350 JPY
グレープフルーツジュースOolong Tea 350 JPY
ウーロン茶Yamecha Green Tea 350 JPY
八女茶(やめちゃ)(緑茶)Authentic Shochu (Japanese distilled spirits)
Served neat, on the rocks, with water, hot water or soda.
ストレート/ロック/水割り/お湯割り/ソーダ割り[Sweet Potato] Kurokirishima Glass 530 JPY
【芋】黒霧島[Sweet Potato] Seiko Udoku Glass 530 JPY
【芋】晴耕雨読[Sweet Potato] Satsuma Shiranami Glass 530 JPY
【芋】さつま白波[Sweet Potato] Umi Glass 530 JPY
【芋】海[Sweet Potato] Kuroisanishiki Glass 530 JPY
【芋】黒伊佐錦[Sweet Potato] Shimabijin Glass 630 JPY
【芋】島美人[Sweet Potato] Sakurajima Kurokoji Glass 630 JPY
【芋】桜島 黒麹[Sweet Potato] Bunise Glass 630 JPY
【芋】不二才[Sweet Potato] Yamaneko Glass 630 JPY
【芋】山ねこ[Sweet Potato] Kiroku Glass 630 JPY
【芋】きろく[Sweet Potato] Mitake Glass 630 JPY
【芋】三岳[Sweet Potato] Tomi No Hozan Glass 630 JPY
【芋】富乃宝山[Barley] Okoge Glass 530 JPY
【麦】おこげ[Barley] Hitotsubu No Mugi Glass 530 JPY
【麦】一粒の麦[Barley] Naka Naka Glass 630 JPY
【麦】中々[Rice] Torikai Glass 630 JPY
【米】鳥飼[Rice] Kuma Shochu Glass 630 JPY
【米】球磨焼酎(くましょうちゅう)Shochu by the Bottle
*We offer a bottle-keeping service.
※ボトルキープ承ります。[Sweet Potato] Authentic Shochu Basashiya Masashi 3,800 JPY
【芋】本格芋焼酎 馬刺屋マサシ[Sweet Potato] Kurokirishima 4,000 JPY
【芋】黒霧島(くろきりしま)[Barley] Naka Naka 4,500 JPY
【麦】中々(なかなか)[Rice] Hakutake in a Kumamon Bottle 4,000 JPY
【米】白岳くまモンボトル(はくたけくまもんぼとる)Warm Shochu on the Rocks
*We add an extra 50JPY+tax to the price listed.
※燗ザ・ロックで飲まれる場合表記の価格の価格にプラス50円(税抜)させて頂きます。Hakutake Glass 530 JPY
白岳(はくたけ)Musha-Gaeshi Glass 630 JPY
武者返し(むしゃがえし)Bishonen (Japanese Sake Produced in Kumamoto)
[Cold Sake] Karakuchi (Dry) 780 JPY
【冷酒】辛口[Cold Sake] Ginzukuri Junmaishu (Pure Sake) 880 JPY
【冷酒】吟造り純米酒[Cold Sake] Daiginjo 1,300 JPY
【冷酒】大吟醸Sake produced from rice polished to less than 50% of its original size, rice koji mold and distilled alcohol.
[Warm Sake] Karakuchi (Dry) 780 JPY
【熱燗】辛口Other Shochu
[Brown Sugar] Asahi Glass 630 JPY
【黒糖】朝日(あさひ)[Okinawa's Rice Shochu Awamori] Zanpa Glass 530 JPY
【泡盛(グラス)】残波(ざんぱ)Japanese Sake Gokujo Yosinogawa
Gokujo Yosinogawa Ginjo, aged for 3 years 980 JPY
極上吉乃川 吟醸 三年貯蔵Ginjo-shu is sake brewed slowly at low temperatures (5-10℃), with rice polished to less than 60% of its original size, rice koji mold and water, or rice, rice koji mold, water and distilled alcohol.