まる竹 丸の内店

Soba Marutake Marunouchi Restaurant


We won’t lower the high quality of our foodstuffs.

We won’t lower the high quality of our foodstuffs.

We make it a principle not to use any additives.
We’re proud of our chefs’ skills, of course, but there has been a practice of using good food to make up for a lack in chefs’ skills. That said, we still won’t lower the grade of our foodstuffs.



This restaurant was originally started as a welfare facility for people working in this building.
Word of mouth spread, and it has now developed into a restaurant loved by a large number of people.

Recommended menu

Recommended menu

The top recommended dish is the Pork Cutlet Bowl!
It is prepared by chefs who have been engaged in this job for 30 to 40 years. You’ll never forget the taste of our Pork Cutlet Bowl, because they pay scrupulous attention to every detail of the food and cooking methods.

We’re particular about the tables.

We’re particular about the tables.

We still use tables and chairs designed to fit the physique of Japanese people of old.
Please savor your dinner at this traditional Japanese soba restaurant, using all of your senses.